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mastercam 2022
Mastercam provides tools CAD / CAM for all types of programming - from simple to very complex. The system has everything you need for the process of its production - milling of two to five axes, turning, turning and milling, wire EDM, woodworking, art modeling and 3D engraving complex. Mastercam Design allows you to import data from all CAD systems already know, as well as design the 3D free space by using all of the tools necessary for this, including wireframe and surface modeling, solid modeling, pattern matching, free drawings, drawings and sketches automatically . The selection module Mastercam depends on the task for which it is intended to use.
MasterCam is the program flexible with the cam angle is optimized to increase the force holding. Ultralight Master Cams slightly more than twenty percent in comparison with the original. When compared with other brands, the weight savings can be more.
OptiRough Toolpath for 2D Users. The 3D High Speed Dynamic OptiRough toolpath is now available for all Mill and Router product levels. This allows users to machine very large cut depths with a bidirectional cutting strategy to remove the maximum amount of material with the minimum number of stepdowns. Dynamic OptiRough enables single toolpath to machine a part, instead of creating multiple 2D operations to achieve the same goal. The toolpath is collision aware of the part, and can also be aware of the tool holder.
Faster, more flexible multiaxis programming. As more shops seek the benefits of single setup, multiaxis cutting strategies, Mastercam 2022 adds new techniques such as the Unified Multiaxis toolpath which allows you to select multiple pieces of input geometry to generate the toolpath pattern. Using those geometry choices, the toolpath picks the best algorithm to calculate the path. Multi-pass on Deburr toolpaths supports flat chamfered and rounded edges which gives the user added flexibility, allowing the Deburr toolpath to create a quality surface finish on larger chamfered or radiused edges.
Modeling advances. Mastercam 2022 introduces mesh creation and editing capabilities that deliver a new class of modeling tools, including the ability to reconstruct models from scanned data. Being able to directly edit wireframe geometry without interacting with the dialog box speeds up design and modification work. And the Overflow UV function allows you to replace multiple surfaces with inconsistent flows with a single surface for flowline toolpaths. You can also simplify surfaces for general modeling. Overflow UV generates a single unified surface with a desired UV flow on a connected set of surfaces.
Enhanced intelligence and automation. A suite of system-wide enhancements helps automate tasks and speed your workflow. New automatic region chaining uses a "smart" approach to auto-select logical chained areas. Holemaking from imported solids is faster as Mastercam will now automatically extract appropriate information and pre-populate your programming options. Even tool imports have been made more intelligent as Mastercam will infer more tool properties from an incoming tool CAD model.

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